[Todos] Fwd: Proforest Annual Training Programme 2012

Academica academica en agro.unlp.edu.ar
Lun Ago 13 09:33:14 ART 2012






2012 masthead

*Proforest annual training programme 2012*

*Oxford, United Kingdom, 10 - 14 September 2012*

The Proforest Initiative is pleased to announce its 2012 annual training 
programme in Oxford from 10-14 September 2012. All courses will be held 
in central Oxford at Harris Manchester College 
and the Rothermere American Institute 

The programme provides a range of course options dealing with current 
issues for those involved in the sustainable management or certification 
of forests or agricultural commodities, responsible purchasing or 
investment, or interested in practical approaches to conservation and 
climate change.

This year we are offering *two* courses: *Responsible Forestry and 
Timber Trade* and *Responsible Production and Sourcing of Agricultural 
Commodities*. The courses consist of a 3-day core module, followed by a 
2-day optional module focusing on the High Conservation value (HCV) 
concept and climate change issues.

Download the training brochure 
in PDF.

	2012 training 

The course timetable is summarized below. Please click here 
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001MgMgxDjvRHgwuSwv_rfjnX49GtNTqSfsxZKBzPxhm1rVwltqQ54POWrzb4j3-A0jLbc7anobb9XmMYm5dXABIgy7CcuELgWAM5KL6C7t_TIhP7tKeRNBs20-yD3QTOhkIWAX8mU1eg40stGrWnzChIZfqexnyfdMWoOhpm8PSzgINgFW5dzz40Ty7RaymBGimrp2_E_vQd5-BN-4AarEVg==> for 
further information.

*Course Fees:*

****ATP 2012 course fees

The fees include coffee, lunch, training materials. Accommodation and 
evening meals are *not* included in the fees.

*Accommodation: *is available at Harris Manchester College 
can be reserved when booking your training package. The cost of a 
college en-suite room (including breakfast) is *£85 per night per 
person*. Information on hotels and other accommodation in Oxford is 
available on www.dailyinfo.co.uk/venues/hotels. 

*Registration: *to book your course, please visit our website 

To reserve a place on the course of your choice, a booking fee of £75.00 
is required which can be paid directly when using our online booking form.

For further information please click here 
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001MgMgxDjvRHgwuSwv_rfjnX49GtNTqSfsxZKBzPxhm1rVwltqQ54POWrzb4j3-A0jLbc7anobb9XmMYm5dXABIgy7CcuELgWAM5KL6C7t_TIhP7tKeRNBs20-yD3QTOhkIWAX8mU1eg40stGrWnzChIZfqexnyfdMWoOhpm8PSzgINgFW5dzz40Ty7RaymBGimrp2_E_vQd5-BN-4AarEVg==> or 
contact: ATP 2012 image

//*Andry Rakotovololona*

     The Proforest Initiative

     South Suite, Frewin Chambers

     Frewin Court

Oxford OX1 3HZ, United Kingdom

     Tel: +44 (0) 1865 243439

     Fax: +44 (0) 1865 244820

     Website: www.proforest.net 

     Email: andry en proforest.net <mailto:andry en proforest.net>,

info en proforest.net <mailto:info en proforest.net>


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ProForest| South Suite, Frewin Chambers| Frewin Court| Oxford| OX1 3HZ| 
United Kingdom

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